Principal's Message

Principal's Message

Welcome all to the NIST Alumni Portal. This fulfills the need of thousands of our alumni all over the world for a common platform to meet and share their journeys of life. The institute celebrates its 25 years of establishment today, 18th-20th September 2021, starting from a humble 180 students in its first batch in 1996 to a sizeable 3000 students intake per year has a journey of lifetime for us.

You, the alumni, are the apple of our eyes. Your achievements and joys whether professional or personal are as much ours since we are a big NIST family.

We want you to interact with your alma mater more. Nothing will give us more pleasure to organise a number of programmes involving you. This portal has umpteen features which will let you connect professionally as well as remembering the good times at NIST.

Dr. Priyadarshi (Piyu) Tripathy
Principal, NIST